Learn Sourashtra language spoken in Madurai and in many towns of Tamil Nadu, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Delhi etc. place.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Then we can select the symbols required to learn a particular language [spoken form only].
Then writing at least 100 [or more] questions and answers thereof pertaining to each situation.
This is mainly useful for tourist visiting many countries where a number of languages are spoken.
Then translation of those sentences from source language to target language printed in common script. Of course, the questions may not be the same in each language. We can modify the question according to the requirement of the target language.
The ultimate aim should be to understand well what the other person utters.
We are not concerned with the difficulty or easiness of a particular script.
Those who want to go through the literature of a particular language, necessarily have to learn the script of that particular language.
Some universal organization should come forward to execute the project.
Linguists of different language are to sit together and evolve the World Common Script.
Persons engaged in evolving UNICODE font for each language should evince interest in this project. Academics should also come forward to coordinate and execute this project. Respective Governments should also finance for the execution of this project.
The ultimate aim is free mobility of the people to all countries and to increase their knowledge about their counter parts living in other countries.
I will be happy if my dream comes true.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Sourashtram in Roman Script (1) & (2)
UPAMANYU’S examples for writing Sourashtram in roman script. (1)
‘a’ Vowel short
akaasu=sky [sometimes the final ‘u’ can be deleted]
akSaru=letter, alphabet, script
agastir=lady’s finger vegetable [in Madurai dialect]
ankro=sprout [ankraam khuDi tagatte=nip in the bud]
ajjabo=mother’s father [Madurai dialect]
aTcaste=slap [paaTur aTcaste=slap on the back (as punishment)]
aTTu=dirt, a person who is dirty
aDpi=close friend of a bridegroom or bride accompanying him/her during marriage rituals.
antro=small intestines
apul=ourselves, our [apul bhaaSo=our language]
ayin=mother’s relatives [ayin ghEr=mother’s father’s home][Madurai dialect]
aykaste=to hear, to listen
ayyambo=mother’s mother [Madurai Dialect]
asko=whole [gaamasko=whole town]
Please adhere to the above spelling. People should shed their hesitation and come forward to comment on the meaning and pronunciation variation in their dialects. Those who cannot read, without recourse, have to skip this. [to be continued]
UPAMANYU’S examples for writing Sourashtram in roman script. (2)
Words in which vowel aa=A= i.e. lengthened form of ‘a’ is used.
aakSEpaNo=objection , opposition
aacamano=sipping little water from the palm of the right hand uttering mantras
aanandam=joy, delight, happiness, pleasure, gladness,ecstasy
aalOcano=considerat ion, reflexion, considered opinion
aaso=desire, wish, yearning
aasti=property, asset
aahuti=oblation, sacrifice
iraaNu vEL=odd time, especially midnight
karnaaTakam= State of Karnataka; conservative person
kalaacaar=culture, tradition
kaancano=gold; love; affection
khaambu=pillar, post
gaaN=anus; abusive term
ghaan=bad smell
jaajiphuul=a kind of jasmine flower
taandu lipi=a form of traditional Saurashtra script in which vowel and consonant symbols are distinct
thaam=place, seat
naastiko=atheist [one who do not believe God]
phaar=three hour duration [Tamil yaamam/jaamam]
maayi=mother; young female child; female goddess
raajji poDaste=to fall in love
laani=not bad; not necessary
vaaT=way,road, street
vaat=wick of lamp
vaaL=time, turn[kitko vaaL=how many times]
shaastri=scholar or authority on the scriptures
saaTTuhoraaD= celebrationof one’s 60th birthday
saanti=peace; a female name; pacifying a god, evil spirit etc.
haatukaam=busy [engaged in work]
Please adhere to the above spelling. People should shed their hesitation and come forward to comment on the meaning and pronunciation variation in their dialects.
Friday, August 8, 2008
TMSoundararajan's Felicitation Function at Madurai.
Chief Minister Dr.M.Karunanidhi gave a gift cheque of Rs. 5 Lakhs.
This is an unique gesture on the part of Sri M.K.Alagiri, son of the Chief Minister. People could not find out the motive behind this. It is doubtful that because of this felicitation to Sri T.M.Soundararajan, people belonging to Sourashtra community will vote for DMK candidates.
Perhaps, if they select Sourashtra candidate for Madurai Constituency, there is a slight possibility of support by Sourashtra Community. It is to be seen whether they select a Sourashtra Candidate for Madurai Constituency in the ensuing General Elections.