Friday, August 3, 2018

Relationships in Sourashtram.

Relationship Terms in Sourashtram.
ꢱꣃꢬꢵꢰ꣄ꢜ꣄ꢬ lipi  English            
ꢨꣂ, ꢨꢵꢦ꣄      Father
ꢂꢪ꣄ꢨꣁ        Mother
ꢨꢾꢜꣁ, ꢦꢸꢡ꣄ꢬꢸ  Son
ꢨꢾꢜꢶ, ꢦꢸꢡ꣄ꢬꢶ    Daughter
ꢣꢣꣁ          Elder brother
ꢩꢮꢶꢶ          Elder brother’s wife
ꢩꣀ           Younger brother
ꢩꣁꢙꢫꢶ        Younger brother’s wife
ꢥꢴꢸꢬꢸ          Young baby 
ꢦꢶꢭ꣄ꢭꣁ         Child (male & female)
ꢨꢾꢜ꣄ꢒꣁ        boy
ꢨꢾꢜ꣄ꢒꢶ         girl
ꢙꢮ꣄ꢠꣁ          young man
ꢙꢮ꣄ꢠꢶ          young girl
ꢣꢭ꣄ꢭꣁꢪꢾꢥꢶꢒ꣄      gentleman
ꢨꢾꢫꢶꢭ꣄ ꢪꢾꢥꢶꢒ꣄    lady
ꢪꢴꣁꢜ꣄ꢜꢨꣂ        father's elder brother
ꢪꢴꣁꢜ꣄ꢜꢪ꣄ꢨꣁ     father's elder brother's wife
ꢥꢴꢥ꣄ꢥꣁ ꢨꣁ, ꢒꢒꣁ  father's younger brother
ꢥꢴꢥ꣄ꢥꢪ꣄ꢨꣁ, ꢒꢒꢶ   father's younger brother's wife
ꢧꣁꢫ꣄ꢛꢶ            father's elder sister
ꢧꣁꢫ꣄ꢛꢶꢩꢮꣁ        father's elder sister's husband 
ꢥꢴꢥ꣄ꢥꣁ ꢧꣁꢫ꣄ꢛꢶ/ ꢨꢾꢫ꣄ father's younger sister
ꢥꢴꢥ꣄ꢥꢧꣁꢫ꣄ꢛꢶ ꢩꢮꣁ       father's younger sister's husband  
ꢪꢪꣁ              mother's elder brother
ꢪꢪꢶ               mother's elder brother's wife    
ꢥꢴꢥ꣄ꢥꣁ ꢪꢪꣁ        mother's younger brother
ꢥꢴꢥ꣄ꢥꣁ ꢪꢪꢶ         mother's younger brother's wife  
ꢪꣃꢱꢶ ꢂꢪ꣄ꢨꣁ        mother's elder sister   
ꢪꣃꢱꢨꣂ           mother's elder sister's husband   
ꢥꢴꢥ꣄ꢥꣁ ꢪꣃꢱ       mother's younger sister 
ꢥꢴꢥ꣄ꢥꣁ ꢪꣃꢱꣁ      mother's younger sister's husband
ꢣꢭ꣄ꢭꣁ,ꢂꢪ꣄ꢨꢸꢭꣁ         husband  
 ꢨꢾꢫꢶꢭ꣄ ꢩꢵꢬ꣄ꢫꣁ       wife 
 ꢙꢿꢜ꣄꣄              husband's elder brother
ꢙꢾꢜꢥꢶ            husband's elder brother's wife
ꢣꢾꢮꢬ꣄             husband's younger brother
 ꢣꢾꢮ꣄ꢬꢥꢶ            husband's younger brother's wife 
ꢥꢾꢫꢥ꣄ꢣꢸ           husband's elder sister
ꢩꢮꣁ               husband's elder sister's husband
ꢥꢴꢥ꣄ꢥꢥꢾꢫꢥ꣄ꢣꢸ       husband's younger sister
ꢥꢾꢫꢥ꣄ꢣ꣄ ꢂꢪ꣄ꢨꢸꢭꣁ     husband's younger sister's husband
ꢱꢳꣁ               wife's elder brother
ꢱꢳꢵ ꢨꢾꢫꢶꢭ꣄         wife's elder brother's wife
ꢥꢴꢥ꣄ꢥꣁ ꢱꢳꣁ       wife's younger brother
ꢥꢴꢥ꣄ꢥꣁ ꢱꢳꢵ ꢨꢾꢫꢶꢭ꣄ wife's younger brother's wife
ꢱꢳꢶ             wife's elder sister
ꢱꣁꢬ꣄ꢔꢸꢞ꣄         wife's elder sister's husband
ꢥꢴꢥ꣄ꢥꣁ ꢱꢳꢶ       wife's younger sister
ꢥꢴꢥ꣄ꢥꣁ ꢱꣁꢬ꣄ꢔꢸꢞ꣄   wife younger sister's husband
ꢂꢫ꣄ꢫꣁ            father's father
ꢂꢪ꣄ꢪꣁ            father's mother
ꢃꢙ꣄ꢙꢨꣂ          mother's father
ꢂꢫꢪ꣄ꢨꣁ          mother's mother
ꢙꣁꢪꣀ            son-in-law    
ꢩꣁꢮꢸꢠ꣄ꢞꢶ         daughter-in-law 
ꢮꢾꢱꢶꢥ꣄ꢣꢶꢥ꣄         Bride's & Bridegroom's parents
ꢣꢶꢫꢣꢶꢥ꣄           Relatives belonging to father's side
ꢂꢫꢶꢥ꣄             Relatives belonging to mother's side
ꢪꢵꢫ꣄ ꢕꢿꢬ꣄         mother's home  
ꢱꢪꢹꢲꢪ꣄          Community 
 ꢂꢞ꣄ꢦꢶ                         Friend of Bridegroom/Bride  


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