Monday, March 20, 2017


Palkar Discussion Forum posting on 9th April, 4.2008
Sourashtra Vidya Peetam has received a copy of the First Issue of Bhasha Sagar - January 2008 from the Commissioner of Linguistic Minorities, Allahabad. It is an HLY journal not for sale but for circulation among Central/State Government Offices.
It is stated in the Journal as
Since there is no agreed script for the Sourashtra, it is not being taught in schools. The demand of recognizing Sourashtra language is still pending for want of an agreed Script for the language.
Dr.Shiva Kumar, ACLM, Southern Region has written as above based on the uttering of our Sourashtra Madhya Sabha Office bearers , I think.
Two Photographs of our Madhya Sabha people were printed in the Journal but their names are not mentioned! It is simply stated as
Hon’ ble CLM in discussion with Scholars of linguistic minorities.
In another photo it is stated as
Interaction with linguistic minorities' resource persons
Not even the name of our Community is stated!
In the Article, ‘FEDERALISM AND LANGUAGE POLICY ‘written by Mr.K.K.Sethi, former Commissioner of Linguistic Minorities, it is stated
In the conclusion para it is stated
Of immediate concern are the languages spoken by a small number of people which are in danger of extinction. It has been said earlier that it will bear repetition that the loss of a language means loss of a cultural stream. The strength of the mankind is the ability to pass on its culture, its principles, its way of life to the next generation. Let language not be an exception. Only the application of the principles of federalism, in its fullest form, can stem the rot and ensure equal opportunities for all the citizens.

Sourashtram in Roman Script (1) & (2)

UPAMANYU’S examples for writing Sourashtram in roman script. (1)
‘a’ Vowel short
akaasu=sky [sometimes the final ‘u’ can be deleted]
akSaru=letter, alphabet, script
agastir=lady’s finger vegetable [in Madurai dialect]
ankro=sprout [ankraam khuDi tagatte=nip in the bud]
ajjabo=mother’s father [Madurai dialect]
aTcaste=slap [paaTur aTcaste=slap on the back (as punishment)]
aTTu=dirt, a person who is dirty
aDpi=close friend of a bridegroom or bride accompanying him/her during marriage rituals.
antro=small intestines
apul=ourselves, our [apul bhaaSo=our language]
ayin=mother’s relatives [ayin ghEr=mother’s father’s home][Madurai dialect]
aykaste=to hear, to listen
ayyambo=mother’s mother [Madurai Dialect]
asko=whole [gaamasko=whole town]
Please adhere to the above spelling. People should shed their hesitation and come forward to comment on the meaning and pronunciation variation in their dialects. Those who cannot read, without recourse, have to skip this. [to be continued]
UPAMANYU’S examples for writing Sourashtram in roman script. (2)
Words in which vowel aa=A= i.e. lengthened form of ‘a’ is used.
aakSEpaNo=objection , opposition
aacamano=sipping little water from the palm of the right hand uttering mantras
aanandam=joy, delight, happiness, pleasure, gladness,ecstasy
aalOcano=considerat ion, reflexion, considered opinion
aaso=desire, wish, yearning
aasti=property, asset
aahuti=oblation, sacrifice
iraaNu vEL=odd time, especially midnight
karnaaTakam= State of Karnataka; conservative person
kalaacaar=culture, tradition
kaancano=gold; love; affection
khaambu=pillar, post
gaaN=anus; abusive term
ghaan=bad smell
jaajiphuul=a kind of jasmine flower
taandu lipi=a form of traditional Saurashtra script in which vowel and consonant symbols are distinct
thaam=place, seat
naastiko=atheist [one who do not believe God]
phaar=three hour duration [Tamil yaamam/jaamam]
maayi=mother; young female child; female goddess
raajji poDaste=to fall in love
laani=not bad; not necessary
vaaT=way,road, street
vaat=wick of lamp
vaaL=time, turn[kitko vaaL=how many times]
shaastri=scholar or authority on the scriptures
saaTTuhoraaD= celebrationof one’s 60th birthday
saanti=peace; a female name; pacifying a god, evil spirit etc.
haatukaam=busy [engaged in work]
Please adhere to the above spelling. People should shed their hesitation and come forward to comment on the meaning and pronunciation variation in their dialects.

Sourashtra Script


You are Mr. Gopi Santhana Krishnan ! Welcome.
You want to learn writing in Sourashtram ?
Well, each language is written in its own script, which you know.

But grown up people find it difficult to learn Sourashtra Script.
Hence, adults choose their own script to write Sourashtra Language.
A language can be written in any script. It is for the person who writes and the person to whom it is addressed are to decide which script is to be used.

In Madurai, Sourashtra & Tamil scripts are used to write Sourashtram.
While using Tamil scripts, for the consonants, ka, ca, Ta, ta and pa superscript numbers 2,3 and 4 are used to distinguish four sounds of ka, kha, ga & gha, which are not available in Tamil.

Kindly furnish your postal address and I shall send the chart of Sourashtra Alphabets.
In that chart, equivalents of Tamil and roman script are given. So you can easily learn Sourashtra script with the help of that chart.

Once you learn the script, it is not difficult to write Sourashtra Language in that script as you already know the language. Care is to be taken to record the correct spelling as per your pronunciation.

For Example, 'kaam' means /work/; 'gaam' means /town/; 'ghaam' means /blow/.
'khaa' means /eat/.
'tandu' means /rice/, 'thaam' means /place, seat/, 'dado' means /elder brother/
like wise you can write and practice.
If You want to know whether what you have written is correct or not, you can post to me few pages of your writing in Sourashtram, when I shall correct them and return back to you.

My Address:
CELL No. 9894522461. E-mail

Some Sourashtram literature printed in Tamil script are available with Editor,
Bhashabhimani, 99-B, West Masi Street, Madurai-625001. Ph. 0452-2346167.

Devanagari [Hindi} script is not suitable for our language. Some people are trying, trying and go on trying from the year 1920 ! Yet they could not succeed in printing Sourashtra Books using Hindi Script. So we do not encourage writing Sourashtram in devanagari script, for it requires seven additional symbols to record the peculiar sounds available in Sourashtra Language.
If you are interested in Hindi script, you have to approach the supporters of Devanagari Script.
If you want any further clarification, you can send email to me.

Sample of English-Sourashtra Dictionary By Upamanyu.

Sample of English-Sourashtra Dictionary By UPAMANYU.
68         accurate (a)                  serko sEtte
69         accusative (a)               vyaakaraNammu diva vibhakti;
70         accuse (v)                     cuuk sangatte
71         accused (n)                  kuttam keretteno meni menni poDetteno
72         accustom (v)                ruuDhi keratte
73         ache (n)                        duno
74         achieve (v)                    melleyo keri musaDatte
694       bedlam (n)                    kuLappam bhore thaam
695       bed spread (n)              beDDum haturariyo boTTo
696       bedroom (n)                 nijariyo ruum
1177     compare (v)                  tOt thovisaatte
1178     competent (a)               poruttam hoye, adkyaar sEtte,
1179     competition (n)             pondi, pOTTi
1434     deliver (v)                     lEjji cercatte; nhuru jenatte; pillo ujaLLatte (kumb)
1435     delta (n)                        neddi daar
1436     demand (n)                   paje hOtte
1437     demand (v)                   magatte
1653     editor (n)                      jhaDtitu; patrika odditu
1654     editorial (a)                   talaiyangam; srEyangam
1655     educate (v)                   buddhi sangatte; sikkaDatte (kumb)
1656     education (n)                ceduv
2006     fait accompli (n)           muse bhyaar; attenguD konni keraanaa
2007     faith (n)                        nomke; vishvaas
2008     faithful (a)                     nomke hoye, vishvaas sento
2009     fake (a)                         coDDaye; mOsaDi hoye
2360     gargle (v)                      tON gulle keratte;
2361     garland (n)                   maale, haaram
2362     garlic (n)                      lossan
2363     garment (n)                  phElu, vastar, phillatte boTTal
2699     hapless (a)                   nomke nhiitte; sontOS nhiitte
2700     haplology (n)                dii vaaL menatte oNTe vaaL menatte [feb'ry < february]
2701     happen (v)                    calatte; hOtte
2702     happiness (n)               sontOsh
3055     idea (n)                         havTan, monnuk lagariyo upaayam 
3056     ideal (a)                        lakSyam sEtte, srESTukan sEtte
3057     idealist (n)                    kalpanaa shakti sEtteno; srESTu guNashaali
3058     identical (a)                  telyOs maadiri sEtte
3591     jeans (n)                       moraT paDi boTTaam sive lambo cellaDam
3592     jeep (n)                         aski tET jaattisaa oNTe vitam jiip kaar
3593     jeer (v)                          gEli keratte, aso hollOs avamaan keratte
3594     jelly (n)                         paav (guLLu)
3595     jenny (n)                        rayil bhaar tukkatte entur; dori katatte entur; beyil
                                                    ghedaD; kristu beTkinu prEv naav
3710     kite (n)                          akaasum huDatte paTTam; geruD pakSi
3711     kith and kin (n) singatin kin sontam menkyaan
3712     kitten (n)                       majiri pillo
3713     knack (n)                      samartu; nipuNattuvam
3751     lacuna (n)                     rendu, toppincili jaattak vaaT
3752     lad (n)                          beTko
3753     ladder (n)                     ENi; saTo
3754     lade (v)                         koppalum sarak hingaDatte
4238     manliness (n)               dallappan
4239     manner (n)                   keran vaaT, vaaT dhaaT
4240     mannerism (n)              oNTe dinuskan callatte/keratte
4241     manoeuvre (n)              tiTTam tagi kaam keratte
4906     nuance (a)                    neLiv suLuv; nuTpam hoye kaam
4907     nuclear (a)                    aNu sambandam poDe
4908     nude (a)                        boTTo phillunaatte
4909     nudge (v)                      khovo hollo lagaDatte
4969     obsession (n)               oNTEs havTilli telyOs ghoramkan rhaatte
4970     obsolescent (a) junno poDi jaatte; upayOk keran musunaattak hOtte
4971     obsolete (a)                  dinnu hoyi najji jiyeyo; upayOk nhiitte vastu
4972     obstacle (n)                  aDDi, vaaT bhandini
5371     parochial (a)                 akro monnu
5372     parody (n)                    gEli keri likke kavito
5373     parole (n)                     jeyilum sEtte kaidiku nibandano sento bharaaT soDatte
5374     parrot (n)                      kiLi; ramo
6286     quirk (n)                       vattaam savratte; viShayam marcatte
6287     quit (vi,a)                      toDarbu nhiitte, soDDi jaatte
6288     quite (adv)                    aski, askaaku, puura
6289     quiver (n)                     baaNun  thovlariyo peTi; khoLTi
6529     redress(n)                     parihaar, nivaaraNam
6530     red-tapism                    kaam musaDNaattak uTcilEt rhaatte
6531     reduce (v)                     unno keratte
6532     reduction (n)                dobbi dEtte
7209     scapegoat (n)               kernaatteko keretteno meni menatte; (bali aaDu)
7210     scar (n)                         maccam, ghaam lage aDayaaLam; kaLangam, kaaT
7211     scarce (a)                     abbattak keSTam hoye
7212     scarcity (b)                   abbunaattak rhaatte
7213     scare (v)                       beduraDatte
8888     thickness (n)                delLko
8889     thief (n)                        coDDo
8890     thigh (n)                       maDi
8891     thimble (n)                   angiLi kuppi
8892     thin (n)(vt)                    nhaan; nhaan keratte
9525     unity (n)                       aikyam
9526     universal (a)                 bhulokaski podu hoye
9527     universe (n)                  prapancam
9528     university (n)                vishva vidyaalayam, uunivarsiTi
9529     unkempt (a)                  asingam hoye
9790     venturesome (a)           tuNiccal hoye kaam kerattisaa
9791     venue (n)                      miLariya thaam; calariyo thaam
9792     Venus (n)                     sukkur
9793     veracity (n)                   nijam menatte stiram keratte
9794     verandah (n)                 nevDo
10040   wardrobe (n)                 boTTal thovlario almaari
10041   ware (n)                        vikkatte jamaan
10042   warehouse (n)              giDDangi
10043   warfare (n)                    yuddhamuk jaatte
10044   warlock (n)                   mantravaadi (bhutuk thovli kaam keratteno)
10309   xero (n)                        suunyam,  0 
10310   xerosis (n)                    doLaam pani avnaattak dukkaatte rOg
10311   xerox (n)                       photo nakal heDatte
10312   x'mas (n)                      Christmas; Yesu kristu uje dinnu tinnaaL
10346   yet (intj)                        rhiyeti meLLi
10347   yeti (n)                          himaalayaam shE meni nommariyo ais menik
10348   yield (n)                        pikkini; soDi dEtte; tage modaluk abbariyo laabh
10349   yodel (vt)                      giit gheTTi gavatte
10397   zoology (n)                   miruga saastar
10398   zoom (vt)                      uru mhoTo keratte
10399   zoroastrian (n)              joraaSTriya madamuk ceretteno
10400   Zulu (n)                        dekSaN aaprikaam dongarvaasinu bhaaSo

Sample of English-Sourashtra Dictionary by Upamanyu.

Sample of English-Sourashtra Dictionary By UPAMANYU.
68         accurate (a)                  serko sEtte
69         accusative (a)               vyaakaraNammu diva vibhakti;
70         accuse (v)                     cuuk sangatte
71         accused (n)                  kuttam keretteno meni menni poDetteno
72         accustom (v)                ruuDhi keratte
73         ache (n)                        duno
74         achieve (v)                    melleyo keri musaDatte
694       bedlam (n)                    kuLappam bhore thaam
695       bed spread (n)              beDDum haturariyo boTTo
696       bedroom (n)                 nijariyo ruum
1177     compare (v)                  tOt thovisaatte
1178     competent (a)               poruttam hoye, adkyaar sEtte,
1179     competition (n) pondi, pOTTi
1434     deliver (v)                     lEjji cercatte; nhuru jenatte; pillo ujaLLatte (kumb)
1435     delta (n)                        neddi daar
1436     demand (n)                   paje hOtte
1437     demand (v)                   magatte
1653     editor (n)                      jhaDtitu; patrika odditu
1654     editorial (a)                   talaiyangam; srEyangam
1655     educate (v)                   buddhi sangatte; sikkaDatte (kumb)
1656     education (n)                ceduv
2006     fait accompli (n)           muse bhyaar; attenguD konni keraanaa
2007     faith (n)                        nomke; vishvaas
2008     faithful (a)                     nomke hoye, vishvaas sento
2009     fake (a)                         coDDaye; mOsaDi hoye
2360     gargle (v)                      tON gulle keratte;
2361     garland (n)                   maale, haaram
2362     garlic (n)                      lossan
2363     garment (n)                  phElu, vastar, phillatte boTTal
2699     hapless (a)                   nomke nhiitte; sontOS nhiitte
2700     haplology (n)                dii vaaL menatte oNTe vaaL menatte [feb'ry < february]
2701     happen (v)                    calatte; hOtte
2702     happiness (n)               sontOsh
3055     idea (n)                         havTan, monnuk lagariyo upaayam 
3056     ideal (a)                        lakSyam sEtte, srESTukan sEtte
3057     idealist (n)                    kalpanaa shakti sEtteno; srESTu guNashaali
3058     identical (a)                  telyOs maadiri sEtte
3591     jeans (n)                       moraT paDi boTTaam sive lambo cellaDam
3592     jeep (n)                         aski tET jaattisaa oNTe vitam jiip kaar
3593     jeer (v)                          gEli keratte, aso hollOs avamaan keratte
3594     jelly (n)                         paav (guLLu)
3595     jenny (n)                        rayil bhaar tukkatte entur; dori katatte entur; beyil
                                                    ghedaD; kristu beTkinu prEv naav
3710     kite (n)                          akaasum huDatte paTTam; geruD pakSi
3711     kith and kin (n) singatin kin sontam menkyaan
3712     kitten (n)                       majiri pillo
3713     knack (n)                      samartu; nipuNattuvam
3751     lacuna (n)                     rendu, toppincili jaattak vaaT
3752     lad (n)                          beTko
3753     ladder (n)                     ENi; saTo
3754     lade (v)                         koppalum sarak hingaDatte
4238     manliness (n)               dallappan
4239     manner (n)                   keran vaaT, vaaT dhaaT
4240     mannerism (n)              oNTe dinuskan callatte/keratte
4241     manoeuvre (n)              tiTTam tagi kaam keratte
4906     nuance (a)                    neLiv suLuv; nuTpam hoye kaam
4907     nuclear (a)                    aNu sambandam poDe
4908     nude (a)                        boTTo phillunaatte
4909     nudge (v)                      khovo hollo lagaDatte
4969     obsession (n)               oNTEs havTilli telyOs ghoramkan rhaatte
4970     obsolescent (a) junno poDi jaatte; upayOk keran musunaattak hOtte
4971     obsolete (a)                  dinnu hoyi najji jiyeyo; upayOk nhiitte vastu
4972     obstacle (n)                  aDDi, vaaT bhandini
5371     parochial (a)                 akro monnu
5372     parody (n)                    gEli keri likke kavito
5373     parole (n)                     jeyilum sEtte kaidiku nibandano sento bharaaT soDatte
5374     parrot (n)                      kiLi; ramo
6286     quirk (n)                       vattaam savratte; viShayam marcatte
6287     quit (vi,a)                      toDarbu nhiitte, soDDi jaatte
6288     quite (adv)                    aski, askaaku, puura
6289     quiver (n)                     baaNun  thovlariyo peTi; khoLTi
6529     redress(n)                     parihaar, nivaaraNam
6530     red-tapism                    kaam musaDNaattak uTcilEt rhaatte
6531     reduce (v)                     unno keratte
6532     reduction (n)                dobbi dEtte
7209     scapegoat (n)               kernaatteko keretteno meni menatte; (bali aaDu)
7210     scar (n)                         maccam, ghaam lage aDayaaLam; kaLangam, kaaT
7211     scarce (a)                     abbattak keSTam hoye
7212     scarcity (b)                   abbunaattak rhaatte
7213     scare (v)                       beduraDatte
8888     thickness (n)                delLko
8889     thief (n)                        coDDo
8890     thigh (n)                       maDi
8891     thimble (n)                   angiLi kuppi
8892     thin (n)(vt)                    nhaan; nhaan keratte
9525     unity (n)                       aikyam
9526     universal (a)                 bhulokaski podu hoye
9527     universe (n)                  prapancam
9528     university (n)                vishva vidyaalayam, uunivarsiTi
9529     unkempt (a)                  asingam hoye
9790     venturesome (a)           tuNiccal hoye kaam kerattisaa
9791     venue (n)                      miLariya thaam; calariyo thaam
9792     Venus (n)                     sukkur
9793     veracity (n)                   nijam menatte stiram keratte
9794     verandah (n)                 nevDo
10040   wardrobe (n)                 boTTal thovlario almaari
10041   ware (n)                        vikkatte jamaan
10042   warehouse (n)              giDDangi
10043   warfare (n)                    yuddhamuk jaatte
10044   warlock (n)                   mantravaadi (bhutuk thovli kaam keratteno)
10309   xero (n)                        suunyam,  0 
10310   xerosis (n)                    doLaam pani avnaattak dukkaatte rOg
10311   xerox (n)                       photo nakal heDatte
10312   x'mas (n)                      Christmas; Yesu kristu uje dinnu tinnaaL
10346   yet (intj)                        rhiyeti meLLi
10347   yeti (n)                          himaalayaam shE meni nommariyo ais menik
10348   yield (n)                        pikkini; soDi dEtte; tage modaluk abbariyo laabh
10349   yodel (vt)                      giit gheTTi gavatte
10397   zoology (n)                   miruga saastar
10398   zoom (vt)                      uru mhoTo keratte
10399   zoroastrian (n)              joraaSTriya madamuk ceretteno
10400   Zulu (n)                        dekSaN aaprikaam dongarvaasinu bhaaSo

Sourashtra Class Room