Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Articles for E-Journal "Vishwa Sourashtram"

Articles are invited for publication in our E-Journal "Vishwa Sourashtram"

Please send your articles written in Sourashtram or in English which is not already published in any journal.

Email to

Associate Editor for Vishwa Sourashtram,
The First E-Journal of Sourashtras.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

First E-Journal of Sourashtras

VISHWA SOURASHTRAM is the first E-Journal of Sourashtras.
The first [beta version] of the Journal was released on 2nd February 2009.
To view the Journal, Kindly visit the site\

You can contribute articles in Sourashtram and send them to

Please see that your own artciles are original and not published in any other magazine.

If you are quoting anything, kindly acknowledge the original author.

avre bhaashaam likkattak sommar avO meni aski tenko bovariyo.

Associate Editor,
Vishwa Sourashtram.

Practicing Sourashtra Script.

Practicing Sourashtra Script.
If you want to practice reading and writing
Sourashtra Script, please visit the blog
You can also contribute by writing your thoughts.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Comments invited

Dear Viewers !

I find some of the comments are not upto my expectation.
Those who criticize me, should furnish their e-mail address so that I can give my due explanation.
Please do not be anonymous.
I am here to answer your questions and apprehensions.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My Delhi visit to attend International Mother Language Day

A seminar on International Mother Language Day was held on 21st February 2009 at Lock Sabha Secretariat, Parliament House Annexe, New Delhi.
Representative of Linguistic Minorities from all over India were invited to participate in the Seminar by the Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities in India.
On behalf of Sourashtra Vidya Peetam Sri O.S.Subramanian, Secretary took part in the Seminar.
On behalf of Sourashtra Sabha, Madurai, Sri R.S.S.Nathan, President of Sourashtra Association New Delhi was deputed to attend the Seminar.
Some of the photos taken during my Delhi visit can be viewed by clicking the following link

R.V.Seshachari's Gruhapravesam on 15.2.2009.

Sri R.V.Seshachari, Ex. M.C. and presently President of Sourashtra Samuuga Mahajana Sabhai, Avaniyapuram, celebrated his completion of 85 years and performed the Gruha Pravesam Ceremony on 15th February 2009 of his newly built house “Thamarai Illam” in Thamarai Street in Rajiv Gandhi Street,Meenakshinagar, Villapuram, Madurai.
You can also see the construction going on for the SAMUDHAYA KUUTAM ofSourashtra Samuuga Mahajana Sabhai, Avaniyapuram, which is just opposite to ‘Thamarai Illam’ of Sri R.V.Seshachari.
Photos taken at that time can be viewed by clicking the following link

Sri V.K.Neela Rao’s CDs and DVD released on 15.2.2009.

Sri V.K.Neela Rao’s CDs and DVD released on 15.2.2009.
1. DVD 'HoraaDu Piso' was released by Sri O.V.R.Mohan and the first copy was received by Sri O.S.Subramanian, Secretary, Sourashtra Vidya Peetam, Madfurai at Gita Natana Gopala Nayaki Mandir, Madurai, on 15th February 2009.
2. Sri V.K.Neela Rao's Sourashtra Drama Songs CD was released by
Sri S.K.Sahasra and the first copy was received by Sri O.S.Subramanian, Secretary, Sourashtra Vidya Peetam, Madurai, at Gita Natanagopala Nayaki Mandir, Madurai on 15th February 2009.
3. Sri C.C.Kubendran released the CD containing 12 songs of Sriman Natana Gopala Nayaki Swamigal, sung by Sri V.K.Neela Rao, Selvi G.Priyadharshini and Smt.S.Vasantha. The first copy was received by Sri A.N.M.R.Ganesh Babu on 15.2.2009 at Gita Natana Gopala Nayaki Mandir, Madurai.
The photos taken on that occasion can be view by clicking the following link

Sourashtra Class Room